30. January 2025 – IMCAS PARIS
The IMCAS is hosting the highly anticipated 26th IMCAS Congress in Paris. World-renowned experts gather annually for an intensive educational congress covering the most important topics in dermatology, plastic surgery and anti-aging medicine.
For more information, please visit www.imcas.com.
Visit Asclepion in Paris and get to know the latest technologies, application areas and us personally. We look forward to welcoming you at our booth!
10. October 2024 – CCR LONDON
CCR London will take place on 10 & 11 October 2024, bringing together all sectors of the medical aesthetic community. The event is organised by Aesthetics, the brand behind ACE, the Aesthetics Awards…
We search for new employees
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen ab sofort unseren neuen Onlineauftritt in einem frischen Design präsentieren zu können. Nach technischer, inhaltlicher und optischer Überarbeitung stellen wir unsere neue Website vor …
20 Years Asclepion
Asclepion Laser Technologies GmbH celebrated its 20 years of affiliation with the world-renowned laser group El.En Group in june.